Monday, November 11, 2013


Aphrodite was an ancient greek mythological symbol of beauty, love, pleasure and and procreation. She is often depicted as a beautiful naked woman accompanied by a winged goddess Eros.Her attributes included a dove, apple, scallop shell and mirror. According to Hesiod, she was born when Uranus (the father of the gods) was castrated by his son Cronus. Cronus threw the severed genitals into the ocean which began to churn and foam about them. From the aphros ("sea foam") arose Aphrodite, and the sea carried her to either Cyprus or Cythera. Hence she is often referred to as Kypris and Cytherea. Homer calls her a daughter of Zeus and Dione.
Zeus was scared that other gods would fight over Aphrodite over her marriage proposals, so he cut all scopes and married her to a hard working smith god Hephaestus. Getting such a wife was a dream for him, so he used all his resources to make beautiful jewellery for her to keep her happy and contended. Aphrodite on the other hand knew about her beauty and was always amongst glitz and glamor. the jewelery made her more popular amongst gods and mortals.

her corresponding love goddess in roman mythology is venus and her messenger is the Cupid 

Ares- God of War

ARES was the great Olympian god of war, battlelust, civil order. He was depicted as either a mature, bearded warrior dressed in battle arms, or a nude beardless youth with helm and spear.The symbol of Ares was the spear and his sacred animal was the dog.The month March was named in honour of Ares (Mars), and war dances were held during that period.

Ares was famous for having an affair with the goddess Aphrodite.With her he fathered Deimos, Phobes, Eros, Adrestra, Anteros and probably the most dangerous of all was Cycnus. Once when Ares and Aphrodite were making love, Helios, the god of sun, saw them. He went back and told Hephaestus, Aphrodite's husband. Hephaestus wove an invisible net and placed it as an ambush trap. Next time the two lovers met, they were both trapped. Hephaestus then called all the other gods to look at them, caught red-handed.
Ares is also alleged to have killed Adonis, Aphrodite's lover. Aphrodite fell in love with this youth, possibly because she was wounded by an arrow by Eros.Aphrodite sheltered Adonis as a new-born baby and entrusted him to Persephone. But Persephone was herself attracted towards Adonis.The dispute between the two goddesses was settled by Zeus. Adonis was to spend one-third of every year with each goddess and the last third wherever he chose. He chose to spend two-thirds of the year with Aphrodite.Adonis was killed by a wild boar, which was apparently Ares disguised.

Kadmos, who was searching for the kidnapped Europa together with his mother, reached a place Samothrake, where his mother died. After the funeral he went to see the Oracle of Delphi. This told him that he would better forget to find Europa, as the Oracle knew who had kidnapped her. Instead of this, he should just wait until the day he would find a herd of cows. If one of them would have a moon-shaped sign on its ass, then he should kick the cow and follow the animal to there where it would die. There he should found a city. So he did, founding the city of Theban and creating the Theban Saga. Nearby, next to a fountain, there lived a dragon. Kadmos killed the beast. He did not know that the dragon belonged to the war god Ares. To stop the rage of Ares, Athena advice him to take the teeth of the dragon and to sow them as if they were regular seeds. From the teeth grew men that, as soon as they were out of the earth, started to fight against each other. He named them Spartoi, and these were the ancestors of the Spartans. Even then, Kadmos had still to serve Ares during eight years and to do all kinds of trifles for him. But still he managed to keep one of the dragon teeth, the one that would create the so-called "killer machines". After the 8 years of serving Ares, Kadmos was given Harmonia as a wife. Harmonia was the daughter of the war god and Aphrodite.

According to a late tradition, Ares slew Hallirhothios, the son of Poseidon, when he was on the point of raping Aliped, the daughter of Ares. Hereupon Poseidon accused Ares in the Areiopagos, where the Olympian gods were assembled in court. Ares was acquitted, and this event was believed to have given rise to the name Areiopagos.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Zeus- The God of Sky

He was also responsible for passing judgement to gods and mortals. He has the power of nature, carrying the lightning bolt has hs weapon. A tribute to his power. The natural world was scary for the mortals. They did not know why lighning strikes randomly during storms.  So they said they were symptoms of gods power.
Origin : theogony, same as book of genesis
In the myth, cronos was the king of the titans, then the most powerful gods in the universe. They were not well civilized. As god, he must mate and produce offsprings. So he mates with his own sister, Rea. Old saying says that no one is good enough for our family than our own family. So incest was common. Hades, posoidon and zeus. But cronos was scared that his own son would replace him and become more powerful. So cronos decides to swallow them up. Now since they are immortals, they cannot die. They are just locked into his belly. Rea is horrified. When rea is pregnant again, she goes to a cave and gives birth to zeus. When cronoz demands of the child, she gives him a rock to swallow. Zeus is saved. Myth says zeus was born on the island of crete on a mountain. Zeus grows up in the cave. He needs to reinstate his own position. If he loses, he will have to go to tarturus, the hell. Highest peak in Greece, mount Olympus. Other children grew up inside belly. Zeus mixes something and gives to cronos. Cronos becomes ill and starts vomiting. First the rock comes out which rea had given her. That rock is today the foundation for the ancient temple of Delphi, the home of the oracle. It ws a temple where people would come to ask god for advice. Zeus now has siblings by his side who have escaped from cronos’s belly. But he needs more manpower to defeat cronos. There were forgotten brothers of cronos, the Cyclops in tarturus , and the 100 handers. Zeus convinces them to be on his side. They are happy since zeus has released them and treates them equally. Cyclops present zeus with a gift, the power of lightning.
Battle begins
100 handers throw mountains on other side. Zeus throwing lightning. Actual volcanic eruptions happened there.tifon is summoned by cronos. Dion temple dedicated to zeus built near mt Olympus. Eagles were symbol of zeus. Zeus has this uncontrollable sex drive. He changed forms to mate with them. Sometimes eagle,  sometimes swan and sometimes bull. One day he got attracted to this woman god called metis. Metis means practical wisdom. Prophecy tells that one day his son wil defeat him, so he swallows metis. He absorbs her wisdom too. He needs a new wife. He marries his sister, Hera. Hera is powerful. Queen of goddesses. She is jealous as zeus is always going uot with other women. So she plans to overthrow zeus. She ties him on his own bed. All Olympians gather together.
All other Olympians were condemned Apollo and posoidon to built walls of troy. Justce has been done.
Once zeus sees humans involved in cannibalism. He gets angry. Punishes by sending storms for 9 days and 9 nights. Only 2 people survive by travelling in an ark. After this incident came Christianity which started replacing the authority of zeus.